Its yours to gallop or sip

Thursday 17 April 2014

Our Artificial Africa

Our Artificial Africa

When the birds were heard rapping
Stead of singing and wings flapping
It was obvious somethings had gone wrong
And nature wouldn't have them to its belong

When Coca cola had replaced coconut
Our women dress fine somewhat
Men feel more presentable in suit and tie
Take every drink with a meat in pie
Africa had lost its touch
And now we talk too much

When I stopped walking the path
To Papa Akrofi's house for my math
Mum no longer visited her friends
Phone calls and even that it depends
If you go to school with food in leaf
You are teased,on lucky days its brief

Now that we are manufacturing another Africa
To look more beautiful like America
Let us keep quiet to the  western sufferings
When our every problem is under political coverings
And Mothers birth no children but rather offsprings
When it is more profitable to invest in soccer
Than in education and feeding of some Ugandans

By Kweku Atta Crayon

A Cup of Future


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