Tuesday, 17 January 2017
The Making Of Orgiastic Cyprian is an episodic fiction by Oppong Clifford Benjamin which focuses on educating its readers on the sacredness of sex and how the pleasurable act can be a divine form of prayer between a creature and his creator. The story focuses on a mysterious sect of young ladies between the ages of seventeen and thirty called The Ancient Aphrodisiac Cult (The AAC). The cult is strictly invented out of the creativity of the writer. However, some settings in the story maybe real.
We hope you enjoy this episode as well as the others to come.
Episode VI
Frozen atmosphere, still air – no motions, everything was dead or so it seemed.
“You need to manifest in human form”
“Louiselle will do it for you as Most Perfect Chiliad”
“Hamamat! You know exactly what that means?”
“Yes…that means patience. Patience is always late but always worth the wait. Wait for Louiselle, she is the chosen qadesh. And I have no doubt she is better than Juan”
The qadeshes assembled in the hall elongated their necks and stole glances of the tiny blond lady who couldn’t smile nor frown because she had just been compared to a woman she had great admiration for. Miss Juan gazed Loiuselle with cold eyes from the north, where she knelt awaiting her punishment.
“But why would you detain your lover?”
The voices without owners were loud in the rectangular stone hall which Desi Falcon, the grand architect of the temple, designed in the early 1200s with every detail of his passion, fears and aspiration because it was his last work before he retired from building cathedrals and temples across the early world to settle in his forest home at Bargau Valley (5miles northeast from Bistrita) in northern Romania. It was rumoured that a careful and closer examination of the slabs, particularly on the floor where pentagrams were drawn during the established rites and ceremonies of the order, showed that his image appeared in very dim red and blue lights and disappeared concurrently, one could hardly notice, it was so faint.
Louiselle had said in one of the many times she disturbed Miss Juan with her curiosity “I think I saw something strange on the floor” and Miss Juan knew what followed that sentence so she smiled and Loiuselle felt unsure of her question but she asked anyway “Who is that spirit man?”
History informs us that it took forty and two thousand men to construct the temple of Ishtar and within the number was a small elite lodge of three thousand four hundred and sixty men skilled in architecture and stonemasonry completed the design and building of the rectangular hall in which the qadeshes and the men stood terrified and listened to the dialogue between an invisible woman and man.
The black snakes finally reached the north gate of the large hall and coiled and positioned their poisonous black heads in the air at a short distance from Miss Juan. Sensing danger, Miss Juan got up abruptly from her kneeling posture to her full height and took two frightful steps backwards and her right hand supported her retreat with a sure grip of the gold plated metallic gates behind her. The snakes sibilated and advanced towards Miss Juan.
”Back off! Step back! I command thee serpents to retire as your Most Perfect Chiliad.” Miss Juan cried aloud, her voice was thick in fears yet full of authority. But like stubborn kids, the snakes whooshed further forward, brought out their slim clappers briefly as if teasing Miss Juan.
“Your pride is shaking, your soul as feeble as the air around you, a man is as good as his fate.”
The female voice came out loud again and this time it clearly came out of one of the snakes
“Juan, no matter what a man does, he can’t save himself from his destiny. There’s no permanent hideaway, so forget about the roof shielding you. The only weakness of mother time is her patience, but it is also her greatest strength. Eventually, it comes to crack open the heads of wicked men and make naked their past, present and future atrocities”
There were many seconds of silence in the hall. The atmosphere was tension packed. And everyone looked pale and flimsy.
Miss Juan spoke through her fears and teary eyes to break the awkward silence.
”What! “ Her voice shook terribly bad “What have I done wrong?” She questioned the spirit of the Great Mother Hamamat who had just spoken to her through the snake. The tears of Miss Juan fell like raindrops onto the floor.
“Pick up your tears from the holy base, you Murderer!”
“I murdered no one. She just died. The little Hamamat di…….”
Miss Juan’s sentence was interrupted by weak coughs from the just resurrecting Hamamat Montia. She struggled to breath. Maybe there was no air to breath in the hall. Miss Asabea and Louiselle hastened to help Hamamat return to life safely. But only half way the length of the space between Hamamat and Loiuselle, did Miss Asabea yell at Louiselle “Where do you think you going to?” her eyes oozed clots of jealousy at Louiselle. Withdrawing her steps in obedience to her Most Wise lady, Louiselle recognized Miss Juan’s face held a clue of a smile when Miss Asabea screamed at her. Louiselle knew that face, and she knew it was the beginning of her unpleasant journey in the Ancient Aphrodisiac Cult.
“AH! See! You see! I’m not a mur…..” Miss Juan’s hands froze in the gestures she made to mean she had been vindicated when she was again cut off, this time very harshly.
“Oh! Shut it! You are a murderer and you know exactly what I am talking about. Like I said, time is patient. But mother time has your end carefully designed like the wonders Desi Falcon did with this hall. And it is something I wish not for any mortal being. Horrible, the least description”
Miss Juan wore a guilty face. She feared the one most secretive of her secrets was not only known to her alone but the revered mother. And for the first time, she looked up and saw that the stone roof above her was transparent, and that the Great Mother saw through it.
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