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Friday, 1 May 2015

Man Is a Builder and Artist.

He who finds the desire in either drawing, writing or building, has found the purpose of his existence and his soul will forever be at peace with nature.

Man has been always considered a builder and artist, and nowhere has he shown himself more significantly than the building he has erected or the words he has written or the gallery he has painted. When we stand before them - whether it be a mud house, a mansion, a pyramid, a pantheon, a poem, a short story, a painting or a picture - we seem to read into their soul.
The builder or artist may have long gone, perhaps ages before, but here he has left something of himself, his hopes, his fears, his ideas, his dreams, his tears, his joy, his life and his death. Even in the remote recesses of the Andes, amidst the riot of nature, and where man is now a mere savage, we come upon the remains of vast, vanished civilizations, where art and science and religion reached unknown heights.

Wherever humanity has lived, and wrought, we find the crumbling ruins of towers, temples, tombs, and scrolls of vellum or parchment, and monuments of its industry and its aspiration. Also, whatever else man may have been -cruel, tyrannical, vindictive-his building or words always have reference to religion.
They bespeak a vivid sense of the unseen and his awareness of his relations to it. Of a truth, the story of the Tower of Babel is more than a myth. Man has ever been trying to build to heaven, and the story of the codex gigas, is proven beyond all possible incertitude, to be true, that man has ever written the biggest book, embodying his prayer and his dreams in brick and stone and the ink.

For there are two set of realities-material and spiritual-but they are so interwoven that all practical laws are exponents of moral law. These laws are found to be sacrifices, truth, Power, beauty, life, memory and , as the crowning grace of all that principle to which polity owes its stability, life its happiness, faith its acceptance, and creation its continuance-obedience. These laws are as applicable to the building of a character as to the construction of a cathedral, they are as relevant to humanity as the writing of our heart.

Therefore, my brother it is important that we build a superstructure perfect in all parts to the builder, the laws of nature and to the Great Architect of the Universe(God).
We are afraid of losing what we have, whether its our life or possession and property, But this fear evaporates when we understand that our life story and history of the world was written by the same hand.


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