(The gospel truth)
Whether its the hundredth time meeting this or first, it still worked magic for me and so can't help but share. What if I told you, by this same trick or lesson, I got practically every favour from people who had already disappointed me for same requests, would you then pocket your doubt and sit for it? Okay, what about I showed you, the dictum I had over the day to day happenings in my life, just because I applied this simple act of.... (hold on, its a multi million old lesson and I can't let go that easy). Did you know that, like my Brother Dr. Wiredu Kyei Bright said, we were not born to work like donkeys just because we want to be rich? Once I read an article online, which said to become successfully rich, first, ignore the advice of your mother. Don't accept the old fate, which said, money is not everything on earth, happiness is blah blah blah, well, that is some pretty piece of advice always coming to us in tatterdemalion pair of trousers and dirty cap to match. Like Marianne Williamson said in her A Return To Love poem, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,gorgeous, talented and fabulous. Actually who are you not to be?". So tell me, who are you not to be rich, we are almost always scared of applying basic lessons of life and nature, in our journey to self reliance and financial freedom. We are most frightened by our successes than our failures.
So today, like an angel sent from a corner in Heaven, I have come to tell you the same old sermon, but this time with much emphasis, in the continuation of A Return To Love, Marianne said "we are all born to shine, like children do, To make manifest the glory of God that is within us, is not just in some of us, its in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others the permission to do same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others". You will agree with me when I sit here and tell you, that was a whole lot of wisdom there in the poem. So, before I come with my sermon, I would request that, you become born again. Born a new pattern of thought, change the mythos of old that said 'No pain, no gain. No sweat, no shirt. No work, no food. No school,no job. No cash, no wife.'
Once you have forgiven and redeemed yourself from the shackles of your mental slavery, open wide your palm, take a deep breath in and out, then wipe your face using your opened palm. Now, that is the first regular step to riches. It is in this position, the secrets of this BIG TURN THAT YIELDED ONLY SMILES are communicated, they consist of a severely disappointed heart, a tired life and a willingness to overcome at all cost. I will herein, use my story, the better to enable you appreciate in full, the secrets am about divulging, which I trust you will equally apply with hope. You may want to keep it with same strict caution that, you will only communicate when it works for you with same precautions as taken by me, never to speak it straightforwardly or naked, but always in suspense or periphrasis.
Now, by this length, only those who mean business are still reading, therefore its safe to undress this woman who only births favour, riches, authority and above all peace.
I am not coming from a well to do home, right from class 3, I have struggled to get my wants, my parents were doing their best with our educational needs and the rest joined the wants. I was also told to politely reject money offers, (Thank you Sire, am okay. Oh pls sire, am okay.....then we reject the 50p dash), that was my Mum's theories working magics in our lives. So, as a little boy, who was brilliant in school and everyone's toast, I had mates from rich homes befriending me. I visited their homes after Saturday classes and we played games on their large LCD TV screens. Don't blame me, right from infancy, I have never contented my status. I keep struggling to catch up, I have always been the rich boy in a poor home. While my sisters settled for a pair of shoes for the whole academic year, I managed to buy myself two or three additional ones. When they were okay with two course meal, I was enjoying three with elevensees and desserts. In high school, I was leading a group of rich boys and no one ever doubted my stand, until the very dying days, when I took one trusted friend home, he asked me too many questions about how then , I had lived that good, time didn't permit me to answer him proper but the little was "my environment is poor, my mentality is rich, therefore my being is rich". Still keep calm, the trick is unfolding.
Now, to the question you probably asking yourself, how did you make money then?....... I asked, for lack of better word, I begged. Oh yes, I was a beggar. Fortunately in my case, I wasn't stationed by the roadside with a disability. I walked on two feet, swang two hands, to their offices, in their homes and sometimes on phone. I would say, "Mr. Agyemang, I am in need of this amount and my parents can't afford it, would you mind helping please?", as simple as that, and the response "the system is hard oo, my children school fees and my wife is pregnant and my work is .... and me too ...Ghana and the world .... and Russia.." hahahahaha, I learned a lot of world history and finance issues by this act. I got so many disappointments that, it got to a point I made fun out of them, if I wanted to laugh, I would call and ask for money, then the person starts singing his troubles and I danced in laughter. The letdowns harmed my relationship with all those who couldn't help. Its either they felt too guilty to fraternize again or I felt too hurt to approach them once more.
Then THE BIG TURN, I read in a book somewhere in Junior secondary school, that, we must blame nobody but ourselves, take responsibility of everything that happened to us. That was the whole gospel, the whole secret. I visited all those who failed me and repeated these words, " Am sorry Sire, I have disappointed you and myself, I should have realized the economic hardships of today before approaching you for assistance, please forgive me and continue to smile with me", in some cases, I knelt down to show my remorse and in others, I did it with much humility,so I knew that,not only Job was humble. And the response this time after a day or two "Cliff, how are you?, meet me today, I have something for you", they came in multiples of the amount I initially requested.
Time rocketed and I grew up and didn't need money that way again, I needed to be a man, I needed favour for employment and favour for almost everything. And it worked again. After I was rejected in a job interview, I wrote a note to the head of the panel and I said "I am sorry, I gave you a bad time doing what you didn't want to do,rejecting me. I should have acquired all the necessary qualifications before applying, that way, we both would have been happy thereafter. However please consider me a friend and share with me the smile of your company when next you see me on the street, obviously searching for another job. I am sorry and thank you". Then, after a week, he called and asked if I was employed and I said nay, he replied, "we needed a spirit like yours, please see me first thing tomorrow morning" and I started working.
So the secret is, always blame yourself and accept responsibility, make the other party feel safe but never fail to ask, because you need more of the disappointments to earn a tired life and then the secret to willingly overcome at all cost. Like I said in the beginning, its an old lesson, but you never had it this way. Try it, and if it works, share but in the manner so described herein.
(The gospel truth)
Whether its the hundredth time meeting this or first, it still worked magic for me and so can't help but share. What if I told you, by this same trick or lesson, I got practically every favour from people who had already disappointed me for same requests, would you then pocket your doubt and sit for it? Okay, what about I showed you, the dictum I had over the day to day happenings in my life, just because I applied this simple act of.... (hold on, its a multi million old lesson and I can't let go that easy). Did you know that, like my Brother Dr. Wiredu Kyei Bright said, we were not born to work like donkeys just because we want to be rich? Once I read an article online, which said to become successfully rich, first, ignore the advice of your mother. Don't accept the old fate, which said, money is not everything on earth, happiness is blah blah blah, well, that is some pretty piece of advice always coming to us in tatterdemalion pair of trousers and dirty cap to match. Like Marianne Williamson said in her A Return To Love poem, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,gorgeous, talented and fabulous. Actually who are you not to be?". So tell me, who are you not to be rich, we are almost always scared of applying basic lessons of life and nature, in our journey to self reliance and financial freedom. We are most frightened by our successes than our failures.
So today, like an angel sent from a corner in Heaven, I have come to tell you the same old sermon, but this time with much emphasis, in the continuation of A Return To Love, Marianne said "we are all born to shine, like children do, To make manifest the glory of God that is within us, is not just in some of us, its in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others the permission to do same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others". You will agree with me when I sit here and tell you, that was a whole lot of wisdom there in the poem. So, before I come with my sermon, I would request that, you become born again. Born a new pattern of thought, change the mythos of old that said 'No pain, no gain. No sweat, no shirt. No work, no food. No school,no job. No cash, no wife.'
Once you have forgiven and redeemed yourself from the shackles of your mental slavery, open wide your palm, take a deep breath in and out, then wipe your face using your opened palm. Now, that is the first regular step to riches. It is in this position, the secrets of this BIG TURN THAT YIELDED ONLY SMILES are communicated, they consist of a severely disappointed heart, a tired life and a willingness to overcome at all cost. I will herein, use my story, the better to enable you appreciate in full, the secrets am about divulging, which I trust you will equally apply with hope. You may want to keep it with same strict caution that, you will only communicate when it works for you with same precautions as taken by me, never to speak it straightforwardly or naked, but always in suspense or periphrasis.
Now, by this length, only those who mean business are still reading, therefore its safe to undress this woman who only births favour, riches, authority and above all peace.
I am not coming from a well to do home, right from class 3, I have struggled to get my wants, my parents were doing their best with our educational needs and the rest joined the wants. I was also told to politely reject money offers, (Thank you Sire, am okay. Oh pls sire, am okay.....then we reject the 50p dash), that was my Mum's theories working magics in our lives. So, as a little boy, who was brilliant in school and everyone's toast, I had mates from rich homes befriending me. I visited their homes after Saturday classes and we played games on their large LCD TV screens. Don't blame me, right from infancy, I have never contented my status. I keep struggling to catch up, I have always been the rich boy in a poor home. While my sisters settled for a pair of shoes for the whole academic year, I managed to buy myself two or three additional ones. When they were okay with two course meal, I was enjoying three with elevensees and desserts. In high school, I was leading a group of rich boys and no one ever doubted my stand, until the very dying days, when I took one trusted friend home, he asked me too many questions about how then , I had lived that good, time didn't permit me to answer him proper but the little was "my environment is poor, my mentality is rich, therefore my being is rich". Still keep calm, the trick is unfolding.
Now, to the question you probably asking yourself, how did you make money then?....... I asked, for lack of better word, I begged. Oh yes, I was a beggar. Fortunately in my case, I wasn't stationed by the roadside with a disability. I walked on two feet, swang two hands, to their offices, in their homes and sometimes on phone. I would say, "Mr. Agyemang, I am in need of this amount and my parents can't afford it, would you mind helping please?", as simple as that, and the response "the system is hard oo, my children school fees and my wife is pregnant and my work is .... and me too ...Ghana and the world .... and Russia.." hahahahaha, I learned a lot of world history and finance issues by this act. I got so many disappointments that, it got to a point I made fun out of them, if I wanted to laugh, I would call and ask for money, then the person starts singing his troubles and I danced in laughter. The letdowns harmed my relationship with all those who couldn't help. Its either they felt too guilty to fraternize again or I felt too hurt to approach them once more.
Then THE BIG TURN, I read in a book somewhere in Junior secondary school, that, we must blame nobody but ourselves, take responsibility of everything that happened to us. That was the whole gospel, the whole secret. I visited all those who failed me and repeated these words, " Am sorry Sire, I have disappointed you and myself, I should have realized the economic hardships of today before approaching you for assistance, please forgive me and continue to smile with me", in some cases, I knelt down to show my remorse and in others, I did it with much humility,so I knew that,not only Job was humble. And the response this time after a day or two "Cliff, how are you?, meet me today, I have something for you", they came in multiples of the amount I initially requested.
Time rocketed and I grew up and didn't need money that way again, I needed to be a man, I needed favour for employment and favour for almost everything. And it worked again. After I was rejected in a job interview, I wrote a note to the head of the panel and I said "I am sorry, I gave you a bad time doing what you didn't want to do,rejecting me. I should have acquired all the necessary qualifications before applying, that way, we both would have been happy thereafter. However please consider me a friend and share with me the smile of your company when next you see me on the street, obviously searching for another job. I am sorry and thank you". Then, after a week, he called and asked if I was employed and I said nay, he replied, "we needed a spirit like yours, please see me first thing tomorrow morning" and I started working.
So the secret is, always blame yourself and accept responsibility, make the other party feel safe but never fail to ask, because you need more of the disappointments to earn a tired life and then the secret to willingly overcome at all cost. Like I said in the beginning, its an old lesson, but you never had it this way. Try it, and if it works, share but in the manner so described herein.
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