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Monday, 9 September 2013

An Ode From Ola Writes (A Nigerian Friend).

[I Know A Man]
"It is cruel, That we are granted
the desire to know But denied how
to do so properly."

 I know a man Who got adrift in the ocean
Almost Died of thirst though with water all around
He was unable to drink
I know a man
Who got rejected by the community
Almost Died of loneliness
Though with familiar faces all around
He was unable to be anyone's friend

I know a man
Who got accused in his quest for knowledge
Almost Died of Shame
Though with wisdom all around
He was unable to learn
I know a man
Who fought against all odd
Almost lost his dignity
Though with little or no support
He was able to restore his liberty

I know a man
Who often enough
Extract from me Few word
More Sigh, and Constant
Strange, deep, productive, creative and Very good thoughts.

I see from afar' in this man
A personality ready for fulfillment.
A personality rich in outgoing
Emotion Keenly sensitive-
and attuned to aesthetic
rather than moral imperative-

A striking form in Life
at the Point of Ebullient
 Always balancing Passion against Restraint
Apparent Simplicity against Suggested Complexity
Desire against Despair...

 ~ We all almost die Frustrated; Of course
 It is the greatest lesson We have to learn..
When it comes to desire I know a man
That have walked through fire Just because of the "Desire to know"
I know a man Who thought me How true this proverb is,
That "One's Honesty, is One's Vindication"
"I know a man who falls, and then rise
In a bid to step over the brick-wall
He is such a man, of strong will and he's wise" ~

Ola Writes. I know a man
 I know Sir Oppong Clifford Benjamin.
 ~ Sir Cliff...
I found you Only in that dream-state(facebook)
In which you believe.
I know you Only in that gold-coast state (Ghana)
In which you lived In Reality
I do not know you;
But I hope one day
 I'm able to find you
And then, I'll happily meet you.
 Dreams(facebook) for now is where I'll always find you.
 As long as, Dreams(facebook) don't come in Pairs.

 ~ Of things... I've come to see, know and recognize in people
 are few distinct but sacred values...
"Courage and Strong will"
You are a special friend, with such distinct values...


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