Its yours to gallop or sip

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Thick and Thin Accents

Thick and Thin Accent

The queue was moving quite fast
And the air couldn't be blamed
for our sweat but the Sun
Which manifested harshly the bright of day.

Next, Next, and Next
The sales girl went on happily
with her life in sweat and smiles
And soon I knew my name will be changed to;
And it did change indeed.

It was a city of supermarkets
And drivers slept like loons in taxis
that hanged around on the street
I could possibly leave for another
If you would disrespect me
I was angry beyond measure
Even at a cinema of her shadow
Which the Sun projected on the walls

Excuse me Sir, can you say it again please?
No, I can't.
Why Sir?
Because I'm tired.
Sorry! Is there a problem here?
Boss, this man's accent is too thick...
As opposed to her thin, I guessed

Each time I speak;
My accent is full of my skin
Feel my black skin,
Is it not full of;
Is it not

So there are two things you can do now
And unfortunately two I can't do;
You can spend the rest of the day
learning English as spoken by a thick accent guy
And you can keep smiling, it's good for your career

And what I can't do;
Is to bleach my skin so look thin
And I can't buy the CHEWING GUM

The Way of life will be beautiful
if you do what you can
and I do what I can't.

Good Afternoon.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Bon Voyage

Sailors without north,we are
Reclaimed by the sea
Cursed by those who can wait
Dancing with our sacred boots
And giving tongues to blessed hyms of;
      Bon Vovage.

The crew without a captain, we are
On deck, all hands
Make fast the bunt gasket
On the mast,a port is seen afar
We take solace in these words;
       Bon Voyage.

Sons of a widow, we are
Our light shine across
the darkest weight of the ocean
crashing us fast to the deep depths
Even in death we know we had a;
       Bon Voyage

A potpourri of dead and living, we are
Our labours in concord keep the ship afloat
This our journey of no land
though we see many a shore
When one slip his rope, we throw him into the waters
And we sing a dirge of;
        Bon voyage

Oppong Clifford Benjamin.

A Cup of Future


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